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Department of Religious Studies

Christian Rossi

Christian Rossi, M.A.

  • Doktorand
Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar, Kantonsschulstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich

Biographical information

Christian Rossi holds a Swiss bank commercial & business diploma and a sign language interpreter diploma for deaf and deaf-blind. Furthermore, he holds a BA and MA in Religious Studies, Biblical Studies and Psychology from the University of Zurich. Currently, he is a doctoral student and writing his dissertation about “Jehovah’s Witnesses” with a psychological approach.

Research interests

  • Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • New Religious Movements
  • Psychology of Religion
  • Apostasy
  • LGBT+ & Religion

Actual research projects

Current PhD: «Is there a life afterwards? – Ostracism among Jehovah’s Witnesses and its consequences from the perspective of the psychology of religion»


Seminar for Master students: «New Religious Communities – The Jehovah’s Witnesses» (Autumn semester 2017)


  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Religionswissenschaft
  • International Cultic Studies Association