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Department of Religious Studies

Farida Stickel

Farida Stickel, Dr. phil.

  • Geschäftsführerin
  • Postdoc
+41 44 634 45 89
Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar, Kantonsschulstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich
Room number


Farida Stickel is a post-doc scholar and research and teaching assistant at the Chair for History of Religion and the Study of Religions at the Department for the Study of Religions at the University of Zurich. She is curator for Islamica at the Bible and Orient Museum at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). She holds a PhD in the Study of Religion\s and Islamic Studies (2016) and completed her master’s degree in Islamic Studies and English Literature at the University of Tubingen (Germany).

Until 2015 she was a research and teaching assistant at the Chair for History of Religion and the Study of Religions at the Department for the Study of Religions at the University of Zurich and at the Centre for Near- and Middle Eastern Studies (Departement for Islamic Studies) at the Philipps-University of Marburg (Germany). She has spent research and study time in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Uzbekistan and Turkey and worked as freelancer at the Rietberg Museum Zurich and Lindenmuseum Stuttgart, where she participated in composing an exhibition on Islam in Germany.

Research Interests

  • History of religions in Iran
  • History of Islam
  • Contact between religions
  • Construction of identity and alterity
  • Religious change
  • Historiography and the writing of history
  • Gender and Islam
  • Comparative studies


German, English, Farsi, Arabic, French, Spanish, Turkish

Current Research Project

Magi, Persians, Unbelievers – The Depiction of Zoroastrians in Early Muslim Sources
Research database University of Zurich

Completed Research Project

Religious Change in Iran under the Early Safavids: Between Chiliasm and Raison d’état
Research database University of Zurich

Courses Taught

  • Contact between Religions, Construction of Identities: Demarcation, Appropriation, Attributions
  • History of Religion\s: Problems, Sources and Methods for the Study of the History of Religion\s
  • E-Guide to Visible Religion 1 (Interpretation of Pictures)
  • E-Guide to Visible Religion 2 (Comparison of Pictures)
  • E-Guide to Visible Religion 3 (Comparison between Pictures and Texts)
  • Religious Traditions I: Judaism and Islam. Basic course
  • Religious Traditions I: Judaism and Islam. Specialization course
  • Aesthetics of Religion\s
  • History of Religion\s in Iran (with study trip to Iran)
  • "Syncretism": Terminology and Case Studies from the History of Religion\s
  • Introduction to the Study of Religion\s
  • Mysticism
  • Academic Research and Writing for Religious Studies
  • Bible and Quran: Tradition History and Comparisons
  • Between Orient and Okzident: Religions in History and Presence in Asia Minor and Syria (with study trip to Turkey and Syria)
  • Religion and the Order of Sexes
  • Arabic I
  • Outline of Islamic History
  • Arab Grammar: Introductions
  • Introductory Course for Islamic Studies


  • Zwischen Chiliasmus und Staatsräson: Religiöser Wandel unter den Safaviden (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 70). Berlin/Boston: deGruyter, 2019.
  • "Hocharabisch. Eine Koransure und ein Andachtsbuch", in: Steymans, Hans Ulrich und Thomas Staubli (eds.): Von den Schriften zur (Heiligen) Schrift. Keilschrift, Hieroglyphen, Alphabete und Tora. Freiburg (CH): Bibel + Orient Museum, 2012, S. 146–150.
  • "Qurrat al-ʿAin – religiöse Reformerin und Feministin?, in: Biesterfeldt, Hinrich und Verena Klemm (eds.): Differenz und Dynamik im Islam. Festschrift für Heinz Halm zum 70. Geburtstag. Würzburg: Ergon, 2012, S. 233–250.
  • "Mystik im Islam", in: Lutz, Albert (ed.): Mystik. Sehnsucht nach dem Absoluten. Zürich: Museum Rietberg Zürich/Scheidegger & Spiess, 2011, S. 137–139.
  • "'Komm aus dem Meer wie Regenwolken – Reise!' Farid ad-Din ‘Attar (um 1145–1221)", in: Lutz, Albert (ed.): Mystik. Sehnsucht nach dem Absoluten. Zürich: Museum Rietberg Zürich/Scheidegger & Spiess, 2011, S. 141–142.
  • "'Wer steht denn vor dem Tor?' – 'Geliebter, du, du stehst davor!' Jalal ad-Din Rumi (1207–1273)", in: Lutz, Albert (ed.): Mystik. Sehnsucht nach dem Absoluten. Zürich: Museum Rietberg Zürich/Scheidegger & Spiess, 2011, S. 145–147.
  • "'Wer ist der Mensch? – Die Spiegelung des ewigen Lichts'. Nur ad-Din Jami (1414–1492)", in: Lutz, Albert (ed.): Mystik. Sehnsucht nach dem Absoluten. Zürich: Museum Rietberg Zürich/Scheidegger & Spiess, 2011, S. 151–155.

Lectures and Conference Presentations

  • Between Assimilation and Rebellion: The Zoroastrians under Islamic Rule in Iran up to the 10th Century (Summer School: Zoroastrianism in Iran and India: Then and Now. 30.8.2015–2.9.2015)
  • Converting Iran: Religious Policy under the Early Safavids (The Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference. Istanbul, 4.8.2012)
  • Unani Medizin – Avicenna für die Moderne (Entdifferenzierungen? Religion und Medizin; Tagung am Religionswissenschaftlichen Seminar der Universität Zürich. Zürich, 12.5.2012)
  • Religiöser Wandel unter den frühen Safaviden (Spiegelungen – Projektionen – Reflexionen. 31. Deutscher Orientalistentag. Marburg, 21.9.2010)
  • Religiöser Wandel unter den frühen Safaviden: Zwischen Chiliasmus und Staatsraison (6. Nachwuchstagung der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen. Monte Verità (Schweiz), 3.5.2010)