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Department of Religious Studies

Chair for Study of Religions with a Focus on a Systematic-theoretical Approach

Vice Dean of Studies


Rafael Walthert, Prof. Dr. Associate professor, head of department, vice dean of studies

PhD candidates

Loïc Bawidamann, M.A. Research and teaching assistant
Mara Griesehop, M.A. PhD candidate
Marie Jäckel, M.A. PhD candidate
Maike Sieler, M.A. Research and teaching assistant
Andrea Suter, M.A. PhD candidate
Virginie Fazel, M.A. PhD candidate UFSP "Digital Religion(s)"
Maryam Pirdeghan PhD candidate
Christian Rossi, M.A. PhD candidate
Urs Weber, M.A. PhD candidate

Student Assistant

Diana Haibucher, B.A. Student assistant

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