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Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar

Mahdi Soleimanieh ist neuer Visiting Research Fellow am Religionswissenschaftlichen Seminar und forscht zum Thema: "Religion Encountering the Social Question"

Mahdi Soleimanieh, an Iranian sociologist, has recently started working on his postdoctoral project titled "Religion Encountering the Social Question: A Comparative Study on 'Social Islam' and 'Social Catholicism'" under the supervision of Profs. Uehlinger and Walthert at the Department of Religious Studies. During his one-year stay at UZH, his research is supported by a Swiss Government Excellence Fellowship.

The research project aims at drawing a comparison how two major religious traditions engaged the “social question” (that is, the challenges of socio-economic inequality and extreme poverty both domestic and global) during the second half of the 20th century. Soleimanieh will investigate the theoretical works of key thinkers such as Mahmoud Taleghani (1911-1979) and Habibollah Peyman (born 1935) as representatives of the religious intellectual Shiite tradition, alongside key exponents of European social catholicism and Latin American liberation theology.


Michelle Däpp
