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Department of Religious Studies

List of Staff according to Position

Visiting professorships

Hureyre Kam, Dr.
Visiting professor for "Islamische Theologie und Bildung" 2024


Administrative Head

Administrative head

Administrative Office

Administrative assistant / PhD candidate

Academic Advisory Service

Academic advisor

Research and Teaching Assistants

Chair Walthert

Chair Lüddeckens

Chair Lüddeckens

Chair Lüddeckens

Chair Walthert

Academic Associates and Lecturers

Programmentwickler «Bachelor Sustainability» (BASUS)


Research assistant teacher education


Coordinator of the "Religious Studies and Theology" programme / PhD candidate

Research assistant teacher education

External Instructors / Instructors Teachers' Education

Instructor teachers' education "Judaism" 

Regula Zwicky, Dr. des.
Teaching assistant

Student Assistants

Selina Bloch, B.A.